Putting life into your money
Sainsbury’s are helping everyone eat better, Gillette is the best a man can get, and you should definitely go to Specsavers if you don’t want to regret your next pair of glasses.
What I love about these slogans is that they hint at the company’s values. In just a few short words, standards are set and we have a fairly good idea what to expect from these brands.
They can give us an insight into the ethics of the companies we shop at, or the professionals we hire.
But sometimes these slogans can feel disingenuous or little more than a strategy to grab our attention. Especially when companies make promises they can’t keep.
Values that stick
I was very conscious of falling into this trap when setting up Smarter Financial Planning. I didn’t want to introduce marketing tactics for the sake of it. Perhaps this is why developing my tagline took a while. I considered several ideas, replacing words here and there. When inspiration struck with ‘Putting life into your money’, I knew it was the one. I hope you recognise it as a ‘golden thread’ through which my advice – and these articles – weave.
I wanted to apply the same approach to my values, creating a framework that feels practical and meaningful, that my clients would see rather than being a one-off exercise, done for its own sake, left to fester in a drawer.
As part of this process, I read about ‘The 4 Cs’: competence, coaching, convenience and continuity. These are essentially what most clients want from a financial adviser:
Competence: Clients want to work with an expert. Financial Planning is complex and lives are complicated. This is where my thirty years of experience working with people like you, my qualifications and continuous professional development come into play.
Coaching: Most people know what they’re supposed to be doing, eg saving for the future, or investing for the long term, but they often struggle with putting this into practice. They need ongoing guidance, support and coaching to keep them on track.
Convenience: This is about making my clients' lives as easy as possible. They have lives to live. They want to pass all the nitty gritty over to an expert. With the Smarter Money app, for example, clients can see how their portfolios are performing at the touch of a button.
Continuity: And finally, we have continuity. Some clients come to me with wealth that’s been passed down for generations. They want me to protect what they already have and build a plan for further growth into the future. Others have started from scratch and want to future-proof that they have and ensure their loved ones are protected when they’re no longer around. (A sense of humour is vital when you spend as much time talking about death as I do.)
I’ve created my own set of values that are specific to me and inform how I embody the 4Cs on a practical, day-to-day level. I expect my business partners to embrace and demonstrate them too. Perhaps you recognise them?;
Optimism: Yes, I do often talk about death, but it’s essential for helping you make the best life choices now, not later. My priority is making sure you don’t just save money – but that you actually enjoy it – hence the tagline about putting life into your money.
Influence: Working together is a true partnership. I don’t just offer advice, I want it to have meaning; I expect clients to engage, consider, and act on it. Listening is more than hearing – it's understanding and applying the knowledge (including the insights I share in these blog posts!)
Creativity: I haven’t just set up Smarter Financial Planning and left everything as it is – I’m always looking for creative solutions, for better ways of doing things. I use cutting-edge tools and technology, rather than repeating the same old model.
Fun: The process of planning your financial future shouldn’t be tedious or heavy. Bringing some fun into our work together helps keep things enjoyable for both. When clients have fun, they’re more engaged, and the experience is richer – for them and me!
Honesty: Above all, honesty is my guiding principle. You’ll get a direct, transparent experience, where we’re on the same page and expectations are clear. No sugar-coating, just truth, even when it’s challenging. This way, you know you’re making fully informed, clear decisions about your future. I’ll tell you the ‘Truth about Money’.
Saracens Rugby Club’s approach
I went to a match recently and couldn’t help but notice Saracens’ brand values emblazoned at the stadium. They’re visible to all; the players as they run on, the supporters, and the wider TV audience.
Perhaps that’s the difference. Some companies are loud and proud about values, but when you pull back the curtain, the values are nothing but feel-good buzzwords that don’t align with customers’ experience.
Then there are the companies that use their values every day. It’s not about receiving praise for their actions. It’s simply about doing them.
I hope to strike a balance so that existing clients feel the values in everything I do for them, but also that by reading about them on my website, potential new clients know what to expect. That way they get an insight into what we’re both working towards, and perhaps look forward to it before they’ve even begun!