If your finances keep you awake at night, you’re not alone
These are the questions we’re often asked:
Will I run out of money in retirement?
Can I afford to spend now and live a good life later?
Should we pay off our mortgage or invest in the stock market?
Can we afford to help our children buy their first home without postponing retirement?
If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, what impact would this have on my family?
If these sound familiar or you have other financial worries, we’ll do everything we can to put your mind at ease.
Our investment philosophy
The world of investing can be complex, but we believe in keeping things simple.
There’s no need for you to bury your head in balance sheets or watch the stock market rise and fall in real time, but it’s important that you understand our recommendations and how they fit in with your financial goals.
We’ll work together to identify your risk tolerance and adopt an investment strategy that you’re comfortable sticking with for the long term. We’ll help you diversify your investments, offering you greater protection from market changes and reassurance that you’ll meet your objectives no matter what.
We’ll take into account your need for income and capital growth, considering any special requirements such as trust funds or a desire to leave a legacy.
All the while we’ll be helping you save for short term goals such as weddings, holidays and home renovations.
Our entire investment philosophy is designed to educate, encourage and reassure you, while our process is designed to give you the best possible outcome.
As long as you have faith in us and stick to the plan, you can free yourself from money worries and live the life you want.
You can learn more about our investment philosophy here. Or watch the video above.